• +714-723-8311
  • michael@lookingtodraw.com

New Work: “Gaur” — Character Sheet

New Work: “Gaur” — Character Sheet

"Gaur -- Character Sheet." (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes,

“Gaur — Character Sheet.” (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes,

Here is my latest illustration. I decided to create this as a one-color line drawing because I wanted to make sure I could still do it. Line illustration is my first love. I first realized that I could draw when I was very young — many years ago — when I discovered that I could draw “Tippy the Turtle.” Like most of you, I grew up reading comic books (unfortunately I didn’t have enough foresight to hang on to them… they’d be worth a fortune today), and knew I wanted to draw for a living.

So, here is my latest submission. I hope you like it.
