Here he is, the sixth and final iteration of the Guar character I have been working on for the past several years. I am finally happy with the design of the antagonist of my story. I went from a complete alien to a human/cyborg mishmash, to a human/creature hybrid in a fancy suit of armor to my current and final design.
Well, it’s been quite a while since I last posted onto my blog. I’ve been busy. Between work and family, I barely had time to work on any personal projects. Well, I finally found some time, and now I’m ready to unveil my latest project.
I call it Golden Prince. He’s a character I’ve created for a story idea I’ve been working on for a while now. I’ve created multiple iterations of this character, but now I’m finally happy with this final illustration.
I hope you enjoy my latest work.
I know I haven’t posted anything in quite a while… I’ve been busy, to say the least. A new job, a new computer, and finally a new piece of software.
I recently purchased a 3D texturing program called Quixel. This project was redone on a previously sculpted model. I created a new texture using Quixel. Let me know what you think.
Last Stand at Captu is my latest offering into the conceptual art world. Created in a 16:9 format, this illustration depicts an squad of alien soldiers amid the bombed-out ruins of a city battling an unseen foe.