To my regular followers, I know, I posted a similar image last year. I made a decision to redo this image. I decided to brighten it up, push in more color, and basically give it a more “painted” appearance. Petal Power is the first of a series of images I am developing that I have called the Gang of 8.
Here’s the story: I’ve decided to create a series of images involving ultimately eight child characters (five boys and three girls). These child characters will live in the same neighborhood, and decided to form their own group named “The Gang of 8.” Their mascot, a friendly purple octopus named Fred. Through this, and future images, The Gang of 8 will go on a series of adventures – both real and imaginary. It is my hope that these images will help promote imagination, If anything, it’s helping me reconnect with my imagination.
In this image, a little girl (who I have named “Jenny”) is simply taking her puppy and dolly for a bike ride.
I am currently in the process of reworking the second image of this series, Radio Rocket Flyers, and will post it later this week. Keep a lookout for future illustration in this series as I will be releasing them as soon a I complete them.
Thanks for your time.
My latest illustration is a bit of a departure from what I have been posting recently. I was searching through the Internet recently when I came upon a photo that caught my eye. I decided I wanted to draw it up.
This 12″ x 18″ digital illustration is of a recently renovated 19th century home located in Pennsylvania. As I wrote previously, the original photo of this house just caught my eye. What caught my eye was the colorful roof tiles, and shape of the house… not to mention the overall shape of the house… I just felt that this would be a fun piece to draw.
I also figured that by drawing this up, it may open up a new avenue to pursue in marketing my work. So, if you’d like a similar illustration of your home, building, office, whatever, please contact me.
The above two images display the full resolution of this piece. My idea was to create an image with a more “painterly” feel. As final touch, I added a canvas/varnish layer effect to create a “painting” piece. You can view the original photo I based this image on here. So, this is my latest piece. Let me know what you think.
“The Rotunda.” A fantasy cityscape. (c) 2015 Michael J. Barnes. (click on illustration to view larger image)
The Rotunda is a new concept work depicting a futuristic fantasy cityscape. I wanted to depict a bustling city of the future with it’s towering skyscrapers surrounding a much older appearing structure that serves as the city’s civic, or maybe even religious center.
This illustration, as well as many others is also uploaded into my Illustration Portfolio.
There is one good thing about being out of work: I have had a lot of time to discover various styles and techniques. With that said, I have finally discovered a cartooning style that I like and think I will continue to use.
This piece I have names The Defiant One. This political cartoon depicts President Obama’s recent announcement of his “need” to bring out his veto pen even before the new congress began its new session. In this illustration, Obama wields his Veto Pen to fend off the offense of bill swinging Republican congressional leaders, while Congress Minority Leader Pelosi offers the President her favor.
For this illustration, I pulled out a piece of software I haven’t used in a while… Corel Painter. I hope you like it.
I am currently working on a new “commissioned” illustration for a future book cover and I needed to create a background for the concept. Welcome to the “Town Center.” I wanted to create an old, somewhat dilapidated building in the middle of a dessert. I can’t go into any detail of the book, but the setting I am creating fits.
I initially created the building proper in Google Sketchup. I took that initial model into ZBrush for the detailing. The model was then rendered in Bryce and the final image composite produced in Photoshop.
This is currently a work-in-progress, and I will post the final image when completed.