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Mistakes I Overcame While Marketing My Work.

Since I have taken on the task of resurrecting my freelance career, I have been posting feverishly my latest illustrations in several locations with the hope that someone will like my work and ultimately hire me. While doing these posts, I realized that I made multiple mistakes that really may have hurt my marketing efforts. I am listing these errors so maybe it will help any new artists, as well as myself, overcome any further advertising missteps.

Take the illustration below. Although I was very please in how it turned out, in a marketing standpoint I realized that I made several mistakes.

"Dawn's Early Light." Digital Illustration. (c) 2012 Michael J. Barnes.
Signature at bottom right corner. “Dawn’s Early Light. (c) 2012 Michael J. Barnes.

Whenever I post a new image I always add the name of the work, a copyright and my name to the description of the image. Always a good idea. However, upon closer inspection I discovered any real lack of marketing my talents.