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Tag Archive render test

WIP: Final Render Test.

Final Head Render Test. (c) 2013 Michael J. Barnes.

Final Head Render Test. (c) 2013 Michael J. Barnes.

I think I finally found the right “mix” to achieve a photo-realistic look (or about as close as one as possible). The thing is, I now realize that I was over-thinking the process. As it turned out, I didn’t need to do as much composite work in Photoshop. What I did need  to do was alter some of settings in the skin material before I rendered the image in Zbrush. It’s a whole lot of technical stuff involved, of which I really don’t understand.

So the phrase, “Less is more,” really applied to this image. Any rate, this is my final render test. It’s time for me to move on to the next phase of this project. As it stands, I’m very pleased with this result. Let me know what you think.