There is one good thing about being out of work: I have had a lot of time to discover various styles and techniques. With that said, I have finally discovered a cartooning style that I like and think I will continue to use.
This piece I have names The Defiant One. This political cartoon depicts President Obama’s recent announcement of his “need” to bring out his veto pen even before the new congress began its new session. In this illustration, Obama wields his Veto Pen to fend off the offense of bill swinging Republican congressional leaders, while Congress Minority Leader Pelosi offers the President her favor.
For this illustration, I pulled out a piece of software I haven’t used in a while… Corel Painter. I hope you like it.
Marco Rubio Caricature. (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.
A new caricature that can be found in my new and growing Illustration Library, I present to you my take on U.S. Senator from Florida, and potential 2016 Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio. This caricature is available for use for blogs, bloggers, newsletters, etc.
This image is free for your use. To download, right click on the image and select “Save Image” from the pop up menu. I just ask that if you do use this illustration please add a credit line: (c) 2014 If I can help you with a custom illustration, please contact me.
One last thing: If you use this image, please let me know, and tell me where you used it (i.e. website address)