• +714-723-8311
  • michael@lookingtodraw.com

Tag Archive sculpt

WIP: “Rover” Creature Sculpt Part 2

"RoverII." A creature sculpt work in progress. (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.

“RoverII.” A creature sculpt work in progress. (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.

I am continuing my ZBrush creature sculpt of my new pet “Rover.” Since my previous post, I have refined and added more definition to Rover’s features. As before, I have recorded Rover’s progress and you can view it on my Videos page or just click here.

WIP: “Rover”

"Rover." A creature sculpt work in progress. (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.

“Rover.” A creature sculpt work in progress. (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.

I have had a real urge to create fantastical creatures. I have also had a lot of time on my hands recently. This is “Rover.” He’s not quite done, just yet. Rover, here, is a ZBrush work in progress. I thought it would be a good idea to post my progress on the project as I progress. There is also a video to show the sculpt in progress.

“Ralph” – A Speed Sculpt

I decided to take a break from my job hunt to create a new creature concept. I also decided to record my speed sculpt and share it here. This is Ralph, a ZBrush speed sculpt.. The initial sculpt took me around two hours to complete (hi-res details, and final painting took a couple of more hours). I will post the final image later.

I made some changes to my site

After I completed producing this video, I realized I needed to make some minor changes to my website. If you look at my menu at the top of the page, I have added three new categories: “Characters & Creatures,” “Objects and Mattes,” and “Videos.” The first two pages I created because I noticed I had created enough work to build up new portfolio pages. As for the “Videos” page, I felt that I am confident enough to keep a video record of my sculpts and share them. I am also in the process of creating a video portfolio (which I will also share at a later date).

Characters & Creatures” is a collection of many of the characters and creatures (as the name implies) I have created in ZBrush. “Object & Mattes” is a portfolio of background images, and object I have created for use in my illustrations.

As always, I look forward to feedback.

WIP: Edgar, Alien Bust.

"Edgar." (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.

“Edgar.” (c) 2014 Michael J. Barnes.

“Edgar” here is my latest character sculpt. He’s another alien set to appear in an upcoming illustration. Created in ZBrush and composite produced in Photoshop.

WIP: Monster Creature Dude Head

Monster Creature Dude Head Texture and Render Test.

Monster Creature Dude Head Texture and Render Test.

Monster Creature Dude Head Texture and Render Test.

Monster Creature Dude Head Texture and Render Test.

I completed sculpting and texturing the head of my new creature character last night. I learned a few more polypainting techniques recently and I employed them with this sculpt. This head was created and rendered in ZBrush and I composited the multi-pass renders in Photoshop. Let me know what you think.

WIP: Grumpy Creature Warrior – Update 4

The sculpture is complete?


Grumpy Sculpture. (c) 2013 Michael J. Barnes.

Grumpy Sculpture. (c) 2013 Michael J. Barnes.

Completed the sculpt over this last weekend.